Opleider van opleiders
Recently, I have been interviewed by dr. Gang Zhu about my research on the roles and professional development of teacher educators. The interview is published in the Chinese journal Teacher Development Research, June 2023. You can read the interview here. An English version will be published by the end of the year.
Self-study in Europa
Hoe staat het met Self-Study in Europa? Mieke Lunenberg, Ann MacPhail, Elizabeth White, Joy Jarvis, Mary O’Sullivan and Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir onderzochten het. Het resultaat -
'Self-Study Methodology: An Emerging Approach for Practitioner Research in Europe' - is in 2021 gepubliceerd in de tweede druk van het
International Handbook of Self-Study. Een korte versie vind je in onze
In July 2020 Anastasia Samaras and Mieke Lunenberg were the panelists for a webinar on Introducing Self-Study Research. A recording is available.
International Forum for Teacher Educator Development
Nieuw boek
Ruben Vanderlinde, Kari Smith, Jean Murray and Mieke Lunenberg are the editors of "Teacher Educators and their Professional Development: Learning from the past, looking to the future". The book has been published by Routledge in May 2021
Over InFo-TED
InFo-TED is in 2013 ontstaan op initiatief van Mieke Lunenberg (Nederland), Jean Murray (Engeland), Kari Smith (Noorwegen) en Ruben Vanderlinden (Belgie), waarbij collega's uit Ierland, Schotland, Israel, Australie, en de Verenigde Staten zich inmiddels hebben aangesloten.
De missie van InFo-TED is "to bring together, exchange and promote research, policy and practice related to teacher educators' professional development so as to develop the professional identities and knowledge bases of those who prepare and support teachers as a means of advancing the state of teacher education in Europe and globally".
Video: InFo-TED: hoe het begon
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